Let’s Learn


Hey, my name is Nate and I taught myself graphic design using these resources! My hope is that you can use them to do the same!

Resources to grow


Design Fundamentals

Fundamentals and principles of design are the rules a designer follow to create an effective and attractive composition. These concepts and lessons will help build the base for your design growth.

Adobe Creative Cloud

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Illustration & Drawing

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Book Resources

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Website Resources

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Video Resources

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Featured Tutorial


Let’s Learn Design aims to be the #1 FREE resource for helping you learn graphic design.

Let’s Learn Design’s goal is give back to the design community the same way it did for me. I have been able to create a career I am passionate about in many parts, due to the generosity of others providing free lessons and tutorials. I was able to teach myself graphic design through a variety of free and paid resources and my hope is that through the resources here, you will be able to do the same.

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Matt Carlson (@PlaidMtn)


From Our Community

Let’s Learn Design would be nothing without our amazing and supportive creative community that fosters these areas of growth.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to having a career in graphic design?

Right now, I think it’s the lack of job opportunities for designers that are developmental in nature. I’ve done quite a few student portfolio reviews this year and a consistent theme has been the struggle to find a job. I feel like for a junior designer just getting started, they are expected to just jump right in and I don’t think there are enough agencies out there that are really training and mentoring a new designer right out of school.

Brad Todd

Brand Designer, Colorado

What are your favorite FREE resources for any graphic designer?
Unsplash, YouTube, Creative Market giveaways
Sara Rosinksy

Copywriter, Colorado

What is the best advice you can give someone entering into the field of graphic design?
Have an idea of where you want your career in design to be. Do you want to work in-house, at an agency, or freelance? What about design are you most interested in (branding, illustration, lettering, etc.)? Find people who’s work you admire, and reach out. Don’t compare yourself to others. Practice everyday, and continue to learn new things. Eventually, you’ll discover your own style and voice that is uniquely you
Jared Alexander

Graphic Designer, Colorado

What is the best advice you can give someone entering into the field of graphic design?
Try everything. Explore all of the different design routes out there until you find one that you feel really connected to. Run with that until you get sick of it and then start over and try something else. We’re allowed to be creative however we want.
Samantha Nardelli

Website Designer, Pennslyvania

What is the best advice you can give someone entering into the field of graphic design?
You need drive beyond your education and assignments if you want to stand out.
Marissa Balbuena

Content Developer & Editor, Florida

What do you think are the biggest barriers to having a career in graphic design?
You really need to have a portfolio that demonstrates a breadth and depth of knowledge in your craft. It’s got to be pristine and competitive. Not only do you need to present how your work solved a problem, but it needs to be visually engaging – after-all, it’s your job as a designer to sell through eyeballs attracted to a page. Selecting a focused discipline is helpful in standing out, but you run the risk of undermining yourself or selling yourself short (ie. A hiring manager will quickly toss out a resume for a Web Designer if they’re looking to hire a straight Graphic Designer or Art Director. Believe me – I’ve been that hiring manager).
Kate Moore

Graphic Designer, Colorado

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Give a recommendation or Say Hello!

Let’s Learn Design is always looking to update the website with the best, free and affordable resources for the everyday designer. If you have a suggestion or recommendation, we welcome all feedback as we continue to improve our community.

If you want to say hi, we would love to connect!

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